Monday, February 21, 2011

22 Feb 2011 tuesday

miss you ar....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

14 feb 2011 12:55am

open facebook....
mostly is couple wish couple....
but mine 1 leh?
m sorry that i help zhi yang buy lunch....
whether u can or cant accept but it already happen...
i hope u will forgive and forget if you really sayang me....
i feel very dissappointed while talking phone with you...
you always ask me to end up the call...
& keep repeating the same word...
"tired" & wan to sleep d...
m so miss you n excited to hear ur sound....
but u gave me such react.....
i knew in the phone we didnt say anything...
but is feel sweet also... u don know....?? dont u no feel so??
i dunno why i will feel sweet...& it make me feel comfortable.... seem like you are beside me & the feeling lying on your shoulder...
i knew my action about afternoon is make you disappointed..
whatever la....
i have nothing to say except wait u willing to talk to me ba....
sincerely said....
i don wan to talk to u...
coz u have make me....
i donno how to say....
is happen after u always ask to end up the call....
& wait a moment just ring back me after u asked me to close then u ring back...u ming bai ma?
like u throw to me a lot of cool water....
i hate you!!!!!!
because you had make me nei jiu.....
cant have a nice sleep...
a few days ago u told me that no valentine present...
can i know the reason?
u lazy to prepare or think....
or you fel that you da give me amount of money so the valentine present can excuse....
b... i feel a bit sad about that...
but i don hope u have a mind set that we d so long couple....
this things can be excuse....
then what day is special for u & me?
then in ur life no have special day?
although not a special day for the world...
just for urself know 1 and u felt is special day then jiu is... did u have?
maybe you will felt that i m childish....
or you will tell me.... what for special day... is that can earn money or gain something...
if u going to tell me so...
just ignore all of what i said....
^^maybe you will also think that i didnt give u what ar in ur bithday o today or somemore.....
blur blur **
i just hope you wont let ur hand out by no going to hold me anymore....
good night bb...
happy valentine day!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

[MV] 凌加峻 Ling Jia Jun ~ 三個字 San Ge Zi

11 feb 2011 ( friday )

today went uum study...
early already ask b bring me to there....
but lastly no...
i actually got a bit disappointed 1...
because of you late back home...
so i didnt wake b up to bring me go....
you late back home because you went swin joe house gamble....
around 5 something just home....
i got think wan ask you whether you gamble win or lose...
but i scare you will thought i tamak money....
why i will think so...
is because you still remember around 7 something i ring up b...
that time you having peng bak with ah pung and ah pank...
then you ask me apa hal...
no enough money use hor...
== really sweat of that...speechless....
b 讲者没心,听者有意...
ming bai ?
i knew we can just make it as fun...
but lama lama how you will think of me....
is bergurau dengan saya or an shi me....
if you feel that you give me money use then you will feel heart pain or whatever uncomfortable feel then no need....
i with you doesnt mean is money...
u know....
please remember!!!!!!
the time we start patto i dont know ur background 1....
dont make me feel like in ur imej i m the girl eye full of this sign $$$...
around 10 u called me i didnt pick because i having class....
sorry ya....
but i feel suprise and happy that b will find me heself...
but not wait me ring up you... muacksssssssssssssssssss......
you having a futsal with friends then went swin joe house again.... =)
i miss you seriously....
u know???
i ask myself to say out when ring up you but i cant....
this is my feeling i also i cant...

12 feb 2011 ( saturday )

today just back from uum...
drive back myself...
damn tired and sleepy...
around 6 something i ring b...
that time i had finish my last class and prepare to back alor star...
that moment b having kuey tiew dang with shyan and zhi yang...
the way b talk to me... i dislike ar... or b feel paiseh and dont know what to say.... =)
around 730 i reached alor star...
but i didnt text b because everytime i text b you also no reply 1....
seem like i making report for myself....
meaningless for me to send ar...
around 8 sumting b ring me and ask me why didnt text you...
that moment i just know you will care whether i got tell you m home le....
i hope to see b n lying on your shoulder while talk phone with you...
that why i dont let b end up the call...
miss you ar =X......

Monday, February 7, 2011

7 Feb 2011 Monday 10:06pm

is now at your house...
you feeling sick....
now you are taking rest... then me jiu write my diary o...
actually i wan tell you all about this by myself but not by this...
i dont know when you just will start guai and not fooling me by all of 'that'...
i dont want stand up of all of this anymore...
askin myself i should brave to face it and say it out but i cant..
because i knew i am falling deeply on you...
always telling myself that all of that already pass...
don think too much...
plus you know treat me as well ar....
but still also will have the shadow of 'that'...
1 2 3 4 times i accept..i give myself one reason to ask all the 'shadow' away..
and i also try asking myself not to bother all that past tense things..
because lastly you also is beside me...
but when and which time you will lastly leave me...
we dont know....
should i choose to leave or stay??
why you want did all of that to hurt me but not protect me from hurt...
is that the way you love me?
i thought time wont effect dao our relationship...
but yuen lai not...
shi jian yue jiu,gan qing jiu hui yue tan...
shi zhe yang shuo ma?
i don know what the reason you lastly is beside me but not at those of girl...
may i know?
if you say u love me so you are beside me....
then what for you to with them?
fresh feel?
we are no that younger...
we should think future...
i no confident...
why you always make me loss my mind.. lose my way....
what i typing now...
blur blur**
many people ask me what for me to hold a guy that treat me so and no royatly on me...
ungly word to say i m stupid...
they told me soo....
what my feeling on that moment...
i just will give the respond that i don know....
no matter how many times they said so to me....
i also still beside you..
but when i discuss with you about 'that'...
you will answered that me already have the mind...
no use for you to explain... never try to explain how you know is no use...
many times prove that no matter what they said i still beside you...
you know???
or you just don wan to lie me...
how many things you still keep secret on me...
still got what i dont know 1....
could you sekali gus tell me...
if you don love me anymore then what for you still with me right?
you sure will ask so...
how i know...
then if you love me then what for you did so on me...
dont you feel like betraye me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when you with them did you think of me....

07 FEB 2011 monday

very moody...
ask myself to cool down....
had notice some bad news...
about cliang...
somebody said saw he hold other girl hand....
f*ck a
that time is at jiu wang ye....
i knew this is few months ago things...
already pass....
nothing can do....
but i don understand...
how can you treat me like that....
yi chi you chi....
why dare you hurt me sooo......
last year me also us chinese new year season notice about you and other girl story....
now also....
is chinese new year season...