Saturday, February 12, 2011

12 feb 2011 ( saturday )

today just back from uum...
drive back myself...
damn tired and sleepy...
around 6 something i ring b...
that time i had finish my last class and prepare to back alor star...
that moment b having kuey tiew dang with shyan and zhi yang...
the way b talk to me... i dislike ar... or b feel paiseh and dont know what to say.... =)
around 730 i reached alor star...
but i didnt text b because everytime i text b you also no reply 1....
seem like i making report for myself....
meaningless for me to send ar...
around 8 sumting b ring me and ask me why didnt text you...
that moment i just know you will care whether i got tell you m home le....
i hope to see b n lying on your shoulder while talk phone with you...
that why i dont let b end up the call...
miss you ar =X......

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