Saturday, February 12, 2011

11 feb 2011 ( friday )

today went uum study...
early already ask b bring me to there....
but lastly no...
i actually got a bit disappointed 1...
because of you late back home...
so i didnt wake b up to bring me go....
you late back home because you went swin joe house gamble....
around 5 something just home....
i got think wan ask you whether you gamble win or lose...
but i scare you will thought i tamak money....
why i will think so...
is because you still remember around 7 something i ring up b...
that time you having peng bak with ah pung and ah pank...
then you ask me apa hal...
no enough money use hor...
== really sweat of that...speechless....
b 讲者没心,听者有意...
ming bai ?
i knew we can just make it as fun...
but lama lama how you will think of me....
is bergurau dengan saya or an shi me....
if you feel that you give me money use then you will feel heart pain or whatever uncomfortable feel then no need....
i with you doesnt mean is money...
u know....
please remember!!!!!!
the time we start patto i dont know ur background 1....
dont make me feel like in ur imej i m the girl eye full of this sign $$$...
around 10 u called me i didnt pick because i having class....
sorry ya....
but i feel suprise and happy that b will find me heself...
but not wait me ring up you... muacksssssssssssssssssss......
you having a futsal with friends then went swin joe house again.... =)
i miss you seriously....
u know???
i ask myself to say out when ring up you but i cant....
this is my feeling i also i cant...

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