Thursday, April 28, 2011

28 April 2011 ( thursday )

tonight u going thai again =( with anasi... enjoy ya baby!!!











Saturday, April 23, 2011

23 April ( Saturday )

22 April ( friday )
today around 1 something you ring up me..  then after half hour u ring up me tell me that your friend jiou u outing already.... you had go alor star mall with nung, pank, anasi... then around 6 something you ring me that moment you at kang kou... capture photo by using dslr... after 8 pm i ring u that moment u having dinner with anasi them... then i ask you that u not going dinner with me meh.... you answer me later ar... u now having little 1st... i pui sister bring her friends go back jeniang there.... around 10 something just reach home >< that moment you already at home... i ask you bring me to eat something... you told me you go tak pao for me... i were thinking whether is because you see i said wan kun liao so u said so or because you dont want see me =( ...lastly u also bring me out.. but i didnt eat also... coz i were angry... you telling me that you had done what thing while afternoon at alor star mall... you saying that you all play 1 game... is that you all have to ask a girl to capture photo with you guys!!!!!!!!@@... hin ar.... you lastly word tell me that you still young... i also young wat... bb... =( after i reach home i had cried... i know what i did u also wont care or look an eye... you wont have feeling!!!!==
i ask you dont always because of wan pei he ur fren and did the things that hurt me... what u answer me ???!!! you will try ur best!!!!!!!! ah!!! @@

Thursday, April 21, 2011

21 April 2011, thursday 11:08pm

today having a hot and pek chek mood while working... 1 is because of the weather hot... another reason is because of you... i last time already start can control myself not to think about our problem while working moment.. but today i had failure to do.. i cant control my emotion.. ><
is because of what? why last time i can but now i cant?
around 3 something u had suprise me... u ring up me r... swt ar... because of your call i feel cool down a bit... no so cemas... maybe because i cant find out the reason or solution to solve... =(
around 8 something you call up me for dinner... i told you that i no selera... you ask me whether want to eat tomyam ar something that i like to eat... lastly i ask you bring me to buy ice-cream =)... feel disappointed... when i reached home... you no kiss me isnt? If i didnt take action ><... you now having futsal with anasi joe, pank, zhi yang, sung nung, yek pheng and some more i dont know 1... i felt so sheng qi o... so many people ring up u de.... chung yee ar, yek pheng ar, n 1 more i dun know who ><... i think the coming day will be tough... because they all coming back >< sure you will leave me alone le...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

21 April 2011 ( Thursday )

yesterday very angry =( ... you really pass your night at thai while yue chin birthday... you didnt let me know you will stay there =( sheng qi ar....
- wednesday 20 April 2011 -
around 8 something you ring me telling me you will go badminton later.. and you don let me go chin poh party and ask me wait you finish play will bring me go eat >< i really no go at first.. but you around 11 something ring me that you at Omg eating with friends ( just now play badminton de people, sung nung ar, hao, and somemore ) and you will ring me after you reach home... you really forget that you 8 something told me de things ><... that why i just went poh bithday =(....
you really bo cham me and continue sleep=(
lastly we talk until 3 something...
the conclusion is : you like to play, you want to play.. you want freedom...but you didnt say dont want me... but it doesnt mean that you care me.. you just feel got me or no also same =(...
isi : although i sms you, you also wont reply me... coz you said you saw ur fren sms.. u bu xi huan like that =(... and you feel nothing that if i with other than chin poh guy outing..== ar.... you really can so nothing ar.... wo zhen de pei fu ni!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

19 April 2011 ( Tuesday ) 11:02pm

生气啊..... >< 以前我都不会像现在这样。就算你去还是不去,我也不会像现在,心神不定。一直怕你会做对不起我的事。我以前认为你会回家就好了。现在我却觉得原来我不行了。我不允许,不能接受你给人碰,还是你碰人家!!!你都不尊重我!!不说以前了。就说现在,我完全不能接受!!!!不要告诉我只是去喝酒还是什么!!屁啦!!如果是我呢??奶啦!!我想太多了!!你都不会介意啦!!死啦!!!今天明明就是岳景生日,去那边是为了庆祝生日嘛!!还说什么去喝酒!!!!是因为伤心喔!!!!啊啊啊!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

18 april 2011 ( mon )

feel sad today !!!!!
just now while working time... suddenly got a teacher ask after school care teacher go office a while... Inform us that our children parents had met accident and he mum was passed away.... and they going to secret it... don wan let the children know >< i cried =( ....
i felt shame why my mind always keep thinking about your things.. and your things will affect me.... and the attitude i respond to my parents... i feel regret how i m a poor daughther ==...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

16 April 2011 ( Sat )

tonight bring qim and darren go sk sit bus.. they going genting to have fun =)... before that went chin yeow house to take camera from liang.. he follow our car out... coz he need to take boarder pass to pank at Omg... he bought me some char siu pao which is my favourite pau =) thanks bb.... then i put he back at chin yeow house... after an hour.. he ring me to come and take his pau and ask me to accom he go send stok to customer... he take the shirt which he dad bought when went travel at vietnam.. =D thanks bb daddy =)