Thursday, April 21, 2011

21 April 2011, thursday 11:08pm

today having a hot and pek chek mood while working... 1 is because of the weather hot... another reason is because of you... i last time already start can control myself not to think about our problem while working moment.. but today i had failure to do.. i cant control my emotion.. ><
is because of what? why last time i can but now i cant?
around 3 something u had suprise me... u ring up me r... swt ar... because of your call i feel cool down a bit... no so cemas... maybe because i cant find out the reason or solution to solve... =(
around 8 something you call up me for dinner... i told you that i no selera... you ask me whether want to eat tomyam ar something that i like to eat... lastly i ask you bring me to buy ice-cream =)... feel disappointed... when i reached home... you no kiss me isnt? If i didnt take action ><... you now having futsal with anasi joe, pank, zhi yang, sung nung, yek pheng and some more i dont know 1... i felt so sheng qi o... so many people ring up u de.... chung yee ar, yek pheng ar, n 1 more i dun know who ><... i think the coming day will be tough... because they all coming back >< sure you will leave me alone le...

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