Monday, January 24, 2011

25-01-2011 ( tuesday )

is writing when the time now is 12:18am...
so my news for now i typing is for 24/01/2011 (Monday)
this morning early wake up then went to Darren's house pick sister back..
she was stay at his house is because Darren had met an accident...she take care him...
then after that back home then sent sister go to work...
after that i went bank Islam to open an account because about ptptn...
need Rm30 for open account...
then meet up 'Letourde Langkawi Malaysia 2011' function...
got many many police ride bike pass by Jalan pegawai...
all is the expensive and look nice bike...
& also got many mat salleh ride cycle....
i had spent my morning at there...
then rush to work...
rush take lunch also.. =(
then night faster fill up the ptptn form so that can faster get money..
then ring up pung n jensen...
but their printer also got problem...
people black till like me i think just me the only =(
then ring up you to come pick me because got some mistake...
sister tot that no need bring me home...
so i just will ring up you to fetch me...
how know you already slept~~
then ring back sister ask her come bring me...
she bring along Darren too...
then went to Lina's boy friend house to print the Ptptn things...
then hor...
his printer spoilt pulak ==
lastly went to Darren's biao ge house to print...
meet up the chubby boy...
lastly settle already ^^
Is start confuse again...
Lina seem encourage me find a long term job better than now still 50-50...
haix =(
don't know ar...
seem mostly people already know their way or road already just me ==
at there what also don't want to know...
blur blur some more =(
When i just can wake up...
is unhappy night... is because mom them ask from me Rm250 to bank in account for people... haix =( my account never got so few money just got 1++.nn
sweat ar ==
next week already new year but what also no prepare yet...
cloth and the kuih some more...
is that i making the wrong choice go study =(
asking you pay money let me rebonding my hair...
but you seem no willing...
last time you no like that 1 ar...
what was going on actually =(
good night
take care ya lover....

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