Sunday, January 23, 2011

23-01-2011 ( sunday )

last week 18-01-2011 Tuesday me spent my night at uum... i stay at sin nee room...

herm... start my course already... all Malay people just me and a boy is Chinese..

feeling heartless to continue~~because no Chinese M poor in Malay speaking some more...

i already attendance 5 class but only 1 class i understand only==

is confusing want to continue or no?

but if so easy give up no meaning...

And i feel waste^^

So?how leh...

i don understand the assignment is how to do...

and where i can get more understand on this...

at there few days i feel more relax~~

maybe because you...

want say i didn't miss you i feel more relax...

i don't think is...

because every moment i also hope to call you to tell you what happen on me at there....

but i know cannot... you working...

when night i m free while at there i feel want to phone up you^^

but what i can tell o....

think too much me make me lastly didn't call also...

still remember Wednesday night i wait whole night still no your call...

then my there bo line some more...

jiu ask sister ring up you...

you told her wei wei later call back...

then you lastly ring up me but i cant pick...

because no line...

then you lastly text me tell me reason after i text you 3 more MSG..


next day ( thursday 20/1 ) i with sin nee went back alor star by bus...

then night went out with you...

went szee ying shop organise de annual dinner.. at her shop...

eat vinegar...



bo la...

after that went your house...

that time you daddy at home too..

after said 'Uncle' jiu go upstairs..==

then around 1 am already...

your dad still haven't sleep...

did you know the moment i said 'Uncle,hui liao,bye bye'

i m very scare and feel shame...

my mind keep thinking how your parents will think on me...


but you seem never understand me or the situation...

or we just the puppy love...

i just want a normal and secure relationship^^

i don understand how you think..

hopefully you will understand 1 days...

just want to say wo bi yi tian yi tian geng ai ni le...
i LOVE you ,Yeoh Chu Liang ^^

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