Monday, January 10, 2011

11-01-2011 ( Tuesday )

is 2011 already o...
but i still the same and didt change also....
is confusig take the 5 years course is the right choice not....
but if didnt take i cant upgrade myself...
but is that the only thw way to upgrade?
myself also know....
keep telling myself that dont always say dont know....
before jin hui said me that when myself going to know~~
if my life keep dont know...
it is waste ^^
if i decide to take this 5 years course....
i cannot think other already~~~
jinhui ask me that is that worth for me to take this course...
i think is kut~~~
the course next week jiu start already...
recently me and you just meet up once or two times in week....
maybe like that we can have more time to do what we want....
have more freedom~~
but i feel is too free for me...
gao lat liao....
we just use phone to keep contact...
feel like we didnt talk with each other well...
we seem no have topic to tell 1...
is thinking this cny wan do hair not...
donno want colour boh...
or rebonding or curl...
is worry will hurt the hair...
worry too much i think lastly what also didnt make 1... haha ==
why myself awill set up the mind that worry too much????
is had make me failure to do many things....
except university and me with your relationship......
is want to know how you think between our relationship....
is got future or not...
that day i have a talk with Mr.Saw....
he asked about me with you...
then i told him that about parents problem...
isnt ma...
i keep asking myself we already 6 years more...
but we both never haave a meal with each other family...
Mr Saw said maybe our background ba...
this question always in my heart...
but you never take it as a problem nih?
or you escape and do not want to face it??
i dont know how to talk with you about this...
Mr Saw told me that maybe your parents friends also will ask them about your gf that mean me...
but me not come from rich....
so maybe "face" problem ba...
so if your family or you facing this problem...
and don want to solve it...
i meant you don say out...
how we got solution...
but the only solution is broke...
nothing can do...
however i hope we can have a talk on it as well...
i feel that i am unwelcome in your family aand nobody accept....

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