Saturday, December 4, 2010

4-12-2010 ( sunday )

today whole day moody...
a bit a little jiu fa pi qi...
while buying breakfast almost fall down...left eye diao...that is a sign that bad things is going happen on me...
today at a student pu at classroom...swt==
is tired n didnt enjoy in this job ar.... i wan study kok... tak mau kerja lagi a....
yesterday ( 3-12-2010 , saturday )
had a unhappy things happen between us...
whole day i felt moody...already 1 week more didnt meet up you...and also didnt communicate well between felt lack secure...
afternoon 3 sumting you ring up me...
but i using a bad attitude talk with you....
that time you going lunch with zhi yang...and also that time me not yet eat kok a...
although you got say wan buy for me not....
but i answered you don wan...
then nite... we all going visit grandma... then 9.30 u just ring up me & the sound seem just woke up...
then you say you going to dinner...but still dont know what to eat =)
after ah ma house then went to tesco...
that time you ring me also.lastly you fetch me from tesco...
then you are angry me...
while almost reach my house...
i always told you that i not going home yet...
coz i had i donno how to explain to my mom why so fast back...
then i told you that i m 完美主义者 ba...
then before you done the things to me... totally i m cant accept...
actually i not very mind that you went thai or...
maybe is influence by friends ba...
then you answered me that yuo today just knew i m that kind people...
i show you that my blogspot....
that is between you n limjiaki msn...
lastly you answer me that how i think you...then you are that type i think...
you seem no going to fight with me also..
i m regret that why i didnt cool down myself...
didnt give you chance to explain....
you told me that you gave yourself 10 min to explain...
but that time i were stubborn...
cut off what you going to say...
the reason why i told you that giam heng neng,my ns friend want send me flower...
just i see your respond...
whether will eat vinegar not...
lastly you no!!
i try to kiss you while you sent me home... but you escape me...
i ask you why...
but you didnt answer me...
this is 2nd time you 拒绝 me to kiss you already...
once is while you knock the car at petrol and at the same day morning you almost met up an accident...
lastly i kiss your mouth...
but you wu dong yu zhong...
while home i keep ask you but you still don wan say...
i cried loudly...
heart pain... because i made you unhappy...
i not trying to campur which friend you join..
i just told you why only...
while you said then you don wan join chee han lor...
bb... i m sorry for everything....
i just want to say i m very love you...
no matter how...
i don hope our relationship will end with no future...
yeoh chu liang.... i love you...

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