Saturday, December 25, 2010

25/12/2010 ( saturday )

merry christmas ~~
today on leave...
erm... morning went shopping with mum & didi...
bought a Parker pen for cliang as Christmas present!
it can paste the name on the pen cover...
& bought 2 shirt for dad as Christmas present...
but he cant wear...
coz the size smaller to him...
around 1 something home..
put aeroplane againn...
didnt go sing k with jiaxin them...
is damn sleepy n want save money~~
is waiting your call for whole day...
keep thinking want ring you not...
scare disturb dao you rest...
8pm saw you online facebook...
but u out offline...
ermm so no find you then... =)

yesterday 24-12-2010 ( Friday , bali bali hai )
24/12> today morning went pasar simpang kuala 1 with mum... too find cloth for dinner and also chinese new year... lastly get 1 dinner wear.. but not very like it=)
then home jiu online facebook... i think is the 1st time i at facebook find u ba...
then having lunch with you at DO RE MI...
after that have a drink of soya bean sold at er tiao lu 1...
then went my house...
i thought this year Christmas cannot countdown with you liao...
luckily we all went to bali...
you have to work at bali...
although while 12 you no beside me...
but is enough for me that we at the same place...
having a game with see chien them...
drink till face red red...
whole body aslo...
you try to stop me to drink...
maybe i did so just want you look on me ba...
maybe i did all of that just wan you guan xi me ba...
before that...
i having dinner with mek at D5...
She ask me whether liang love you 1 not...
i were blank for that moment...
i dont know...
i m swear for that...
she told me that not me no do about face your family...
just your parents dont accept only...
i were blank again that moment...
what should i do?
is that to give up~~
830 you text me that you just clear you phone bill so now only can call...
you now having meal with your dad...
how i going to pass the pen for you~~

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