Thursday, April 22, 2010

♥ 22-04-2010 ♥ thursday

this is 2nd time i type...
feel something between me and you about yesterday oUTIng...
the way hoME no talk dao...
No sayang when hOme,no hoLd hand,what also nO...
ia that SOMEthing gOing to happen...
jUSt i dont know oNLY...
20-04-10 ( TUESDAY )
YOU no even send me a news after morning YOu just sent me that at shOp d...
and no put bb also...
night..attend chin poh enjoy at all...sit aside loOK at the phone..wait your News..bUt lastly is ZErO...
i had found no reason why You no find dao me...
or i THink too mUch le...
TODAY lina called up & tell me that you at er tiao lu with snung,jinyao.yuechin them...
if she No tell me i also dont Know...
i will THink that you are wOrking hard...
i KNow freedom between we n we need iT...
so i doesnt have other meaning...

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