Friday, April 23, 2010

♥ 23-04-2010 ♥ friiday

today morning abOut 6 something wake Up le...
saw your message,juST knew that YOU also just reach Home...
WHERE you going?what You doing whole night o...with whO...
i Dont Know...
i cant slEEP Back that Time...
i turn here ANd there...
but this time..
i thinking not like last tiMe...
can tell me the reasOn...
wHy you Become liKE that...
WHAT going On....
teLl mE Ar....
dont leave at there think anD think...
i today went fitness...
2 hours i spent at there...
this Time i GOing without you...
next time li?
is that that day is laSt time le....
i went alor star with cHin Poh...
accompany he gO see got what movIE watch toNIte...
then come Star Garden work part time...
help gor gor look the shop...
he outing...
i no yet take lunch sO i called Up you...
disappointed when yoU ansWered me no...
plus your vOIce seem no ENErgy...
what happened o...
tonite i Will meet up YOU or no...
U will come find me or find Your friend....
thinking and waiting...
wait and wait...
today i view and vIEW her profile non stop...
is that she said DIDIAO...
is saying you...??

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