Wednesday, April 14, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥ 15-04-2010 ( THursday )

review limjiaki facebook had become my routine...
read you with them de email had become my xi guan...
once open laptop sure will read n review...
recently she post de thing so emO...
is tHAT she is saying about you or?my curious become deep n deeper...
she with Eggie Tan sO friend...
is that because of you mar....
i m thinking n thinking..
Or i think too muCh lE..
read and read bACK you With them de email...
keep remind me...
i should wake Uo n Give Uo...
but it is Hard...
i hoPe we can forever ANd Ever...
it couldnt happen 1,rigHt?
why last time YO hide frOM me..
between YOUand WITH them de Everything...
I also cant find it Out...
N no Even feel you WILL did sO...
why you Can seem like Nothing when YOU are with me...
WHen u with mE...
YOUR brain is thinking whAT when last TIMe....
tILL now I also hoPE U are perfect...
But is wrong....
you KNow seem more care me already...
but i scare nightmare come agAIN...
or IS happenning Juz i dont knoW....
down Downnnn....
just nOw too free...
go and view your mesengger...
just know thaT you deleted about me sent tO you in facebook De..
why dOnt you delete with them de...
why is me 1...
i think i should fan xing myself le...
after back from Ip work...
reach hOme no C your msg...
ben lai wan annoy you de..
but scare that is empty hope...
you 11pm u msg me said that you with Jensen at salam that time...
when you phoned up me...
i no sleepy or what...
I jUST moody...
becAUSE i saw that youR MESSENGER deleted box gOt me...
YOU unlike hor...
sorry.... I think i Will stop aLL thaT...
you asKED to shut the Phone...
that moment i want hold ON de...
but i knoW lastly oso same sAme dE...
i hOPE tO WEBCAM with you de..
but the toPIC i know yoU sure ask the same questiON..
when webcam you suRE will asK...
JUst know i review non stop her facebOOK...
GOOD night..
i should Wake Up...
should not dreaming already...
but i really cannot lost you..

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