Thursday, April 8, 2010

9 APril 2010 ( friday)

tis few days...
i think n think...
i sent many msg to u to let u know how u important u for me...
but also same....
yuen lai not bcoz before i no express how u so meaningful to me...
sO u did wrong n hurt me before...
maybe ur style is like that de..
just i dont know only....
no wonder i sent how many msg...
say what to you...
also no respond......
this two days called you non stop at the midnight...
but no answering....
start from sister went genting work (Tue) i cried just can sleep...
because cry make my eye tired....
cried in front of you tot that will get your an wei...
but lastly is...
me better stop cry if not you wont call me anymore...
then straight sent me hOme==
this few days almost everynight also answer eaton call...
that why you cant call in...
but did you know that...
i very very wish to listen your voice......
but everytime not you ask me go sleep jiu shi i asked you go sleep....
i already let you know how important you for me...
but why you seem like no bother also...
should i give Up...
i feel myself very annoy n lost mind.....
if i no listen eaton call...
i scare quiet will make me think non non...
did u know...
why you want scold and angry wor....
he is now at penang qing ming...
boring day...

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