Thursday, April 14, 2011

15 April 2011 ( friday )

ermm..... already 1 week and about 3 days no see dao you le...
today morning going market with mommy =) bought a pair of slipper... because the old 1 had spoilt...
lina text me whether wan go penang today not... but i no confirm at 1st.... because i hope to meet you today plus tonight have a talk about EQ... i wan to attend 1.... lastly i chose to go penang because i dont wan disappointed... ( if today you also give excuses no meet me, how a? ) so i chose to go penang... but now i still confuse... because is that i really want to go or just finding excuses for you? i try to ring up u... 1st u didnt pick... after 1 hour, i ring up you... the moment u answer me you are sleeping~~
yesterday night i have a talk with lim yang.... i ask the girl what happen on both of them... but she didnt reply me >< then i ma try ask the guy o... i felt weird he will tell me a lot.... He said that the feeling on the girl had become less... and he tell that he alreasy give the girl many times already... Just the girl don want to face it ><... i asked he why you still pei he ta ( the girl ).... he said he don want so cruel to the girl.... and he understand jxin is a nice girl... but he dont want just only her in the whole life....he said he want more experience....and somemore he went kl study is 1 of the reason about jxin... and somemore is distance problem == i cant imaging if me is jxin... what will i do or react after saw all of it... really heart pain although havent happen on me? haix..... i actually feel the guy is bad... because he seem give a kosong hope to jxin... but better than he did cruel ba...
i feel so emo after that... seem like me and you also face such problem.... just we no dare to face it?? we try escape to face?? i feel confuse =="

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