Friday, March 25, 2011

25 MAC 2011 ( FRIDAY )

today is my moody n enjoyable day~~
i join a one day camp at xin ming pendirian school... 成长心连心....
early morning wake up i was confusing want to take part not....
you know why?
because i cried yesterday.... i worry my eye will in bad condition.
but no wor... haha....
i will feel regret if i didnt take part...
we dance 'highly',play hard,cry hard.....
the theme of the camp is let the love spread out....
it make me cry in front of so many many people!! not only whole hall people..1st time with so many people cried hard!!!
chu liang....
u had make me heartless n disappointed...
i feel m useless because i love de people which love me 1 can no care of me... ignore my msg or just put me a side..
b... how long u did so le...
when u will stop? i no want stop u to play... what i want to mean is how come u can no have any call or a msg to me.. is that tough for you?
i d told myself... if u try ignore my msg again.. i wont keep quiet....
can u think my feeling...if a fren didnt reply me or just ignore what i sent to him/her... i will feel bad... so... you are my bf... how i will feel? not just only bad.. please respect of my feeling...If you feel nothing that no reply is ok.. no so serious as i mention... then just can say i stupid...
n i think a stupid things...
i think that u went penang to help her celebrate birthday....
i feel i m failure....why i will think so... n let it affect me...
thanksss for u still remember what i want to eat..

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