Wednesday, October 13, 2010

14-10-2010 thursday (00:18)

is very pain n sad...
keep read between you n them de yi dian yi di...
just know i never put down all of that...
i never... i just escape....
i just realise i truely fall in love in you Yeoh Chu Liang...
but is too late...
i already try to improve,did you feel dao mar...
but you still the same....
isnt the things pass le jiu pass le...
is really need a shoulder to cry loudly...
but you don wan to lend me...
even an wei also no...
is totally speechless....
what for me to keep this relationship...
i keep asking myself...
you know why...
you just know keep saying me unmature...
cloth a,donno make up... n other...
all of that had make me no confident to stand in front of you....
do you know about this...
N do you know u except know say me...
what you know somemore...
please spend a little time to think o refresh about our relationship...
i m totally wu yan...

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