Wednesday, January 26, 2011

27 Jan 2011 Thursday ^^

is writing 26 Jan 2011 de things...
just came back from bb house...
just having sweet sweet with the lovely...
but my lovely seem almost want break the rules o^^
but what happened why i will refuse lih?
now i going to tell...
is because you make me unsecure...
you also know said that i m scared you will leave me after that...
youself also notice that...
but did you try to take it as serious or think deeply?
or you just felt that we not young anymore...
so steady a bit??
what you will think of after i refuse...
b... i'm hope that you will wont mind okay...
=)you will understand me as well ya ^^
maybe unsecure just the jie kou ba...
i also dont know...
or M worry you will luan luan lai after me...
bself also said so nah...
not only me say...
haha XD...
yesterday you give me money yo do rebonding..
is was suprise me...
b thanks =)
i keep ask you about your parents back not...
coz i m feel shame to face them...
you always tell me that we are mature already what..
but how your parents will think on me...
some more they will how think on my parents wor...
b~~~ sure you now will think i m worry too much,isnt~~
good night lu... bb liang ^^ take care noh... chinese new year is coming lu...please take care your throat nah... hehee..

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