Sunday, February 28, 2010

01.03.2010 mon

i tot u went out with ppl...
forget me le...
luckily u got call up me...
lastly went ur house pui u...
till midnight...
force u read the email...
my heart bleeding...
did you know...
beat u pain on ur body but pain in my heart mar...
actully i didnt feel any love from u oredi...
tis few days...
i very down...
i wan make myself not to think but cant...
02.03.2010 tues
today at tadika very tired..
the children make me headache only...
a bit chubby oso no...
late go ip work...
n leave earli...
paiseh to jiayuan only...
u bring me back bath then i went futball meet u,ah pung n szeeying...
after ate,straight home....
lastly reach home msg u again asked to go ur house internet...
u called up me n told me u stomache....
i dunno...
don understand u...
or juz bcoz i dun wan face it only...
i feel u like to listen other ppl talk than me...
feel unhappy..
but u no ask me wad happen...
i knw i m a frog in a perigi...
said de all is unless thing...
mayb because of u...
i juz got change take dinner with ah pung them...
i cant imaging if we two broke up...
got wad gathering i oso dunno...
tat mean meet u de chance will bcome less o...
wad should i going to do...
u knw mar...
very suffer...
but how...
u no care on me..
u know oso wont do anything lar...
i m juz dreaming...
myself think myself syok n bleeding oni...
where r u now...
home d o?
why no even give me a call o msg...
very xing ku mar...
type a msg...
wait ur msg de feeling is bo syok..
finally is myself msg ask u home d o?
wait for 0 zero o?
wad should i going to do...
please dont toture me..........
got use meh...

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