Thursday, January 21, 2010


the way going back alor star...
i very unhappy n dunno wad should do...
i saw cliang fon got a msg is girl sent for him de..
but he didnt mention it before to me..
i m thinking n thinking should i asked mar...
lastly i asked le...
but he just answered me is he wrong o...
that time my mind blank...
n my heart pain..
i couldnt believe he will answer me like that....
lastly i asked he fetch me to work...
on the way...
he no even wan to mention the msg..

1 comment:

  1. 我只是想知道,我们之间还有可能吗?虽然我已经知道了答案,但我还是想你亲口告诉我,才能让我彻底死心...你之前突然消失,让我每天都在为你找不同不同的借口...到最后才发现,原来是你有了女朋友。为什么你都没有想过,你的行为很过分。。。。
    actuali wad going on....
    he n her got begin any relationship?
    he got feel on her before?
    i just wan to know the truth...
    not wan to argue....
    i know i angry also no use...
    thing already happened...
    i so find the solution so that wont happen again...
    but not at there jump...
    but why u dont want tell me the whole story li...
    i just wan to know only...
    ='( ='( ='( ='(
